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Maintenance |
Regular 6 or 12 month visits can be provided which carry out all the work detailed in the O&M manuals. Where achievement of specified performance is critical, then this level of service provides the maximum confidence about achieving full compliance. |
Media Change |
Media replacement for dry scrubbing systems can be most effectively carried out through vacuuming. We have available a choice of methods to provide for the most economic solution. Our operators are confined space trained and we take full responsibility for the final waste disposal. |
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Media Analysis |
Media replacement should only take place when the level of chemical activity indicates performance is being adversely affected. We provide an independent analysis service to identify residual chemical strength. Active Media life can then be projected and media replacement planned. |
Rental |
We have available a large selection of fully packaged rental units which enable an accurate projection of future performance to be established. For the dry scrubbing units, the optimum selection of chemical medias can be established. The extended use of rental machines can be also beneficial if the timescale for which treatment is required does not justify outright purchase. |
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Surveys |
Our detailed knowledge of the air and gas purification market place enables us to carry out survey work at the very general or specific levels. An extensive range of measuring equipment combined with additional resources from other outside agencies ensures the highest level of detail can be provided. |
Technical Services Brochure